SO…here I sit.

Alone…on the side deck of my house, sipping a glass of wine… a LOOONNNG day behind me. Carolyn and Hobbes nestled into their respective “nests” inside the house.

Wow, what a day it has been! Started out Great; continued to be Okay throughout, as the hours progressed. Then, late in the day (more like early evening), after hearing Hobbes “clicking” around the floorboards, I decided that it was Time for me to grab the doggie nail clippers, and proceed to give my faithful companion the manicure he so desperately needed.

NOW…for anyone who has a canine member of their Family, we all know that this form of attention is mandatory. So, without further ado, I called my buddy onto the front porch, instructed him to lie down, and then go-over onto his side. He was, as always, more than cooperative.

Without hesitation, I gave him a doggie treat to distract him from what he was about to experience. Now, please understand, that Hobbes and I have been performing this same action for over seven years…so, this activity was “nothing new” to either of us.

OK…front left-hand paw is trimmed. Then, onto the right front paw with the same successful results. Hobbes was totally absorbed in the treats I had given him. He didn’t so much as even attempt to force me to stop what I was doing.

Next…the back paws. Left-hand went OK..slight displeasure on Hobbes’ part. THEN, onto the right rear paw.

As I placed my hand around the ankle portion of this paw, Hobbes began to pull it away. I tightened my grip, and proceeded to clip one nail…then, two…then…OH NO!!!

Hobbes jerked as the clipper cut into the nail…and the clipper cut too far! BLOOD!!! BLOOD!!! Too much nail was clipped off!!!


Anxiety started to overwhelm me. I yelled for Carolyn. She wheeled to the front door. Hobbes was totally calm. But ME??? Well, that was a MUCH different story. I rushed inside…grabbed paper towels…a thick septic pencil…and lost my wits!

Ran back outside. Tried to stop the bleeding by pressing the “wound” with paper towels. NO LUCK! Septic pencil! WHAT??? Too big??? Ran inside again. Grabbed a hammer from out of the closet. Rushed back onto Hobbes’ side. (Him, still clam as a cucumber!) Smashed the septic pencil into powder. Spread it onto the nail. Still a drop or two. Rushed back inside to the medicine cabinet. Found a bottle of Baby Powder Corn Starch. Back to Hobbes. Smothered the wound with powder. IT WORKED!!!

After 30 minutes of rest, I escorted Hobbes back into the house, and under Carolyn’s watchful eyes.

But me??? I was MORE than devastated. How could I have possibly hurt my “best Friend?” My careless attitude had caused him pain, suffering, and bloodshed.

Can’t even BEGIN to explain my immediate depression. You see, other than Carolyn, there are no Family members in my Life. I look upon Hobbes as SO much MORE than a canine…he is the essence of Life…my only child. Sound familiar? How could he EVER forgive me for hurting him? How could I EVER forgive myself?

Needed to be alone to regain my composure.


Side deck provides the fullest view of our extensive gardens.

Have no idea how long I sat there, oblivious to everything. I DO know, however, that the wine glass was totally empty for quite a while before I noticed a gentle breeze caressing my swollen brow. Gradually, I turned my vision towards the garden. Caught the sound of our numerous wind chimes singing their incredible melodies…soothing my Spirit.

Eventually, my eyes were filled with the incredible Beauty of the Natural Elements which surrounded and encompassed me: birds at the many feeders chirping and singing, blossoms of every imaginable color filling the beds of the garden.


I looked straight ahead, and beheld a Vision of pure Eternity.

How could this be??? The pergola in the center of the garden is always totally covered with the descendants of the forsythia cuttings given to me years ago by a person who has always been in my heart, a woman who I view as my “surrogate Mother.”

What was this? Blossoms??? How could this be? Forsythia is not supposed to be blossoming at this time of the year. Moreover, these blossoms were not here a few hours ago! Nevertheless, here they were…NOW! Looking back at me, with Love in their hearts.


What I saw next was equally amazing. The pergola on the northern end of the garden was likewise covered with vines…only these were grapevines. Grapevines, grown from cuttings given to me by the husband of the Friend who had supplied the forsythia . These vines had not produced grapes for YEARS…but, the birds were now flocking to the vines and retreating with ripe fruits in their bills.


My depression and anxiety over hurting my beloved canine child gradually washed away.

And, I heard the sound of the front door opening. Without so much as a tiny hesitation, Hobbes was at my side…NO, he was at my face washing me with kisses from his extensive tongue. He seemed to be saying to me” Don’t worry, Dad! There is no pain in my paw. You are not to blame for cutting the nail too short. I love you…always!”

Seems like too frequently we, at times, lose ourselves to feelings of negativity. Sometimes we, myself included, forget the Love which with we are constantly surrounded. Errors DO occur. Mistakes happen. But to lose ourselves in the depths of forgetfulness is not where we should tread.

The message of the forsythia blossoms and the ripened grapes are often lost in forgetfulness. The Beauty of our Lives is ALWAYS there. All we need to do is to open our eyes, and ears, and Hearts to each other.

“We belong to the light,

we belong to the thunder

We belong to the sound of the words we’ve both fallen under

Whatever we deny or embrace for worse or for better

We belong, we belong,

we belong together.”

- PAT BENATAR (We Belong)

george and hobbes photo