WELL…here it is! It’s “Harvest Time” once again.

Folks throughout our Region, and the entire Northern section of Ohio and our Commonwealth, are incredibly occupied 24/7 with the harvesting of their crops.

Of course, corn is of primary concern, as well as the soybeans. Tomatoes are finished for the season, as well as most of the cucumbers and additional “summer” crops. Seeds have, for the most part, already been planted and are germinating for Autumn crops.

In my own garden, this includes two types of lettuce, collard greens, and three types of radishes. (Have already begun to harvest the radishes…a neighbor’s wild “wood-cootie” harvested some of the collards and lettuce! GRRR!!!)

Another harvest which has already been in place is the annual picking of the numerous varieties of apples and grapes throughout the entire area. The apples, as well as being enjoyed in their fullness, are turned into the delicious types of cider and apple butter! YUMM! The cider can be enjoyed, as YOU well know, in several aspects into which I will not delve at the moment!

Grapes, on the other hand, are also enjoyed in several different styles.

I fondly remember, as a small child in Millvale, helping my maternal Grandma with the transformation of local Allegheny County grapes into jams and jellies. (Yep, grapes ARE grown in that region as well.)

My “job” in this matter was to stir the grape mixtures as they were heating on the stove. Grandma would pour the aromatic mixtures into their respective jars…then, as was the final step in canning during that era, she would pour the hot, molten sealing wax into the tops of the jars. Once that step was completed, the jars were capped.

Finally, I was responsible for transporting the precious jams and jellies into the back room of her “basement” area where they would remain cooled until fetched for consumption.

Wine-making on the other hand, was, and still IS quite a different matter in my experience.


I am NOT a wine “connsousier,” however, I DO enjoy a glass every now and then (or, perhaps, more often).Usually, I best enjoy the flavor of a dry red wine such as a Cabernet. (They say it’s GOOD for you!) SO……

As I have frequently mentioned, throughout the years, we became sincerely and deeply attached to our nearest neighbors adjacent to our fields. In many respects, this incredible couple became pseudo parents to both Carolyn and myself. We shared meals, “down-time,” and interests.

Early on in our relationship, I became entranced with the male of that couple, “Mr. Ed’s,” capabilities as a vintner/winemaker. Ed grew his own grape crops, and vintaged his wine from those crops…year, after year, after year. Usually, his fermentations resulted in various forms of red, red wine…all the varieties to which I was attracted.

Without fail, each time the four of us would share a meal or time together, Ed would, without provocation, fetch a bottle of his efforts, uncork it, and share it with me. Of course, I would NEVER refuse!

As time progressed, I timidly approached Mr. Ed and voiced a request. “Mr. Ed., would you EVER be willing to teach ME how to create wine?” I knew this was a question which would produce fumation in most folks, but not ED! He responded that he was MORE than willing to teach me…in fact, he wondered why it had taken me so long to ask him!


First, I would need to acquire the various paraphernalia associated with the wine-making process: huge glass jugs, measuring equipment, chemicals. Sugars, bottles, corks, corker, etc., etc., etc., and, of course, the GRAPES! WOW! I had NO IDEA that all this stuff was needed as the basics. Nevertheless, with Ed by my side, we traveled to the stores to acquire what was necessary.

The grapes??? Ed insisted that, at least at first, I utilize the grapes he grew and harvested. Naturally, I agreed with his insistence.

Next…where in our house would I choose to set-up my wine-making equipment? Well, the only place available at that time was in our laundry room, on top of the chest freezer. Carolyn, reluctantly at first, finally agreed. AND, IT WAS! The laundry room now became also the CROOKED JAW WINERY!

Mr. Ed led me through that first process. The final result was a fine red wine of the Shiraz variety! WOW!! It was MORE than GREAT!

Next, it was my turn to try the process all on my own…no help…but, naturally, if I REALLY needed assistance, Ed was always available.

Nevertheless, I decided to “strike-out” on my own!


Well…all went well…but then….

The laundry room was NOT the best location for my wine “carboys.” Their location on top of the chest freezer led to a very “interesting” result! The temperature in that area was NOT conducive to the fermentation process. SO…after awhile the grape juice/wine began to rise unexpectedly in the huge glass fermentation jugs.

THEN, late one evening, just as we were ready to totally retire for the night, we heard what sounded like a HUGE explosion coming from the rear room of the house…the laundry room, to be exact.

Without hesitation, I rushed downstairs from the sleeping loft, and cautiously approached the laundry room. Not knowing what to expect, I curved my arm around the room entrance, and switched on the ceiling lights.


You guessed it! The ceiling was covered with the results of my wine-making efforts! What was until that evening a white ceiling, was now an area COVERED with red and burgundy droplets. They oozed all across the breath and length of that room’s overhead…and, without hesitation, dropped onto my head, shoulders, and entire body as I entered the room.

An evening to truly remember!

Carolyn joined me downstairs…and, I warned her NOT to enter the room with me.

After a while, the reality of my efforts produced complete laughter within the both of us. What else was there to do? We sat on the floor, finger-painted each other with the falling droplets, and, then, eventually rose to cleanup the “mess” as best we could.

The next morning, I contacted Mr. Ed. and Mrs. B. and invited them to lunch. They came!

The resulting joy, laughter, and comraderies was much more incredible than could ever be imagined.

That day…that laughter…that camaraderie still rings in my and Carolyn’s Hearts.


WELL…Mr. Ed. Continued to assist me throughout the next several years, until I “abandoned” wine-making in 2005.

Mrs. B. taught Carolyn how to create pierogis and several other remarkable dishes, They both enjoyed the constant companionship of their mutual love of birds. She, and I served together for several years on our NSTWP Zoning Hearing Board.

THEN…Mrs. B. journeyed onward in 2005…leaving a tremendous void in both our Lives and in the Community.

RECENTLY…I was informed that Mr. Ed. had joined his Life’s Love while visiting his youngest son in Arizona..a loss of true Friendship for us ALL.

A few moments after I received the news of his passing, I drove back home to tell Carolyn. After relaying my information, I slowly entered our laundry room. After a few moments of regaining composure, I raised my eyes upwards towards the Heavens. There on the ceiling of the room, were the spots of wine deposited that late evening years ago. We have NEVER painted over them…nor, will we EVER!

“Red, red wine, it’s up to you

All I can do I’ve done

Memories won’t go,

memories won’t go.”

UB40…”Red Red Wine”

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