Here we go!

“George, it’s time to take a trip to the storage units and bring home the Christmas decorations. George…GEORGE!!!”

So, George obediently gets into the SUV and drives over the Causeway to our two storage units across our beloved Pymatuning.

Arriving undisturbed, George enters the memorized numbers into the storage facility’s lock and strives to open the security gate.

WHAT??? The lock won’t open? What’s the problem? Who changed the numbers on the lock? Wait a minute…let’s try again. NOPE! That stupid lock simply will NOT budge! Third time…you guessed it…FAILURE!

No choice but to return home, rifle through the desk drawers in search of the index card bearing the correct security numbers for the “stupid” lock.

OK..we got the numbers now. Back over the Causeway…pull up to the gate…enter the numbers once again…and, PRESTO, the lock magically cooperates and opens at last.

Now, drive up to our unit which holds all our precious Christmas decorations…and our trees (yeah, TREES…plural!).

Open the lock on the unit. Slide up the unit’s big door, and gaze inside.


It’s been several months since I last visited the storage unit…NO, make that about a YEAR! After last year’s Holiday Season, I, as best I could, considering the state of my health recovery at that time, stashed the boxes and tubs containing all the decorations along just one wall. NOW, however, they must have reproduced over the past twelve months. It somehow seems that their numbers have MORE than doubled. How could THAT have happened?

Oh, well! Let’s load ‘em up, and take ‘em home.

NAHH…too many! They won’t all fit into the vehicle. So, guess it will take two trips…or, maybe even THREE trips!


Okay, seven tubs could fit into the groaning SUV…four big ones, and three smaller ones. Two Santa figures could be shoved onto the front passenger seat, and, then, George was “on his way” home with the first delivery.

Back home, all seven tubs were unloaded and carried up the front steps, and into the entranceway area. Hobbes, naturally, was quite “amused” by all this activity, and tried his best to “assist” in the endeavor.

After catching his breath, George was on his way back over the Causeway…pulled-up to the security gate…successfully entered the lock numbers...and arrived at the storage unit for the second loading.


Seven more tubs “climbed” into the panting SUV. George closed the unit door…drove through the gate…back over the Causeway…home again…unloaded the tubs…and nearly passed-out. By this time, George swears that Hobbes was laughing…BAD DOG!!!


Yeah, you know the “routine” by now.

This time, the two HUGE boxes which contained the parts of two of the Christmas trees were shoved into the rear of the vehicle. Along with them, the two wooden reindeer created by George’s beloved Stepfather, Joe, many, many years ago, were also loaded. (How could George EVER eliminate these creatures from the decorative paraphernalia of his and Carolyn’s home? NEVER!)

Finally, the obedient, yet exhausted, George unloaded the final items into the house.

Now, to relax. HA!!!!

Of course, the next step, and one which was to take place immediately, was to open each of the tubs, each of the boxes, and peruse the contents, to insure that NOTHING had been forgotten…that NOTHING was eliminated, either by mistake, or through some “other” means (get it?).


There was a time, several years ago that George and Carolyn were completely occupied with decorating their new home for the Holiday Season. Not to be outdone by any neighbors, whether near or far, the decorations were installed on the house’s exterior…on all the fences which extended throughout the property…on the exterior of the studio/barn…on the branches of the trees immediately surrounding the house…and…well, you get the idea.

Naturally, the interior of the home was even more populated with the Holiday Spirit. Several artificial trees were installed inside, each of which was decorated with its own unique color theme.

Of course, it didn’t stop there…no way! NO WAY!!!

But, now, however, both George and Carolyn’s philosophies surrounding the Season had considerably altered.

As they opened each container, memories swarmed-out, and covered them with sweet emotions. Long departed Family members and Friends once again came into focus. Time melted away…Past and Present became ONE.

After what, in retrospect, was, in fact several hours, both George and Carolyn decided that the massive demonstration of decorations was simply not necessary. What WAS, and IS, necessary, became completely obvious. The Miracle of LIFE and all its Beauty is the true essence of the Season.

Yes, many of the recovered Holiday decorations will, once again, grace our home. But, the TRUE decorations will be present in the eyes of our Loved Ones…and, my dear Friends, in the eyes of EACH of YOU!

I see your true colors

Shining through

I see your true colors

And that’s why I love you

So don’t be afraid to let them show

Your true colors

True colors are beautiful

Like a rainbow


(“True Colors”)

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